Plausibility Report/Television & Film

A Quiet Place 2

Is it the fact that the entire family is walking around the woods, train tracks and abandoned steel mills without shoes and still have the ability to sprint off in any direction, full speed if needed, or that Noah Jupe  gets his leg mangled stepping on a bear trap but is still able to hobble around with very little residual side effects from surely a shattered tibia (bear traps are nasty, see Billy Bob Thorton in the first season of Fargo,) and you’ll know why  I scream out at my TV in a rage and repeat over and over, “this is horse shit,” and aggravate everybody within listening distance who knows it is horse shit but doesn’t care because they’re only trying to be entertained. Well you’re watching movies with the wrong guy. This sort of thing drive me nuts.

And what’s with Emily Blunt’s hair, it’s perfect. Does she have a make up and hair stylist in post apocalyptic America? She reminds me of Robert Redford in the movie , “The Horse Whisperer” where he is wrangling horses in the middle of Montana in pressed jeans.



Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Integer at bibendum eros, ac sodales urna. Curabitur sit amet vehicula tellus. Nam eleifend tellus enim, vitae pharetra neque pharetra id. Suspendisse metus quam, auctor a tempus non, rhoncus non urna. Quisque id accumsan tortor, in malesuada tellus. Donec a sodales massa, consequat laoreet ex. Suspendisse sed sem eu sem condimentum finibus. Aenean accumsan, lorem ac pulvinar mollis, dui dui semper felis, non sagittis ligula lacus quis orci. Vestibulum dignissim, neque in volutpat sagittis, orci leo laoreet arcu, venenatis dapibus purus mauris in dui. Sed mattis sed velit eget pretium.




Maecenas justo justo, volutpat non orci vitae, ornare egestas turpis. Maecenas blandit convallis blandit. Suspendisse pellentesque in justo id viverra. Curabitur pharetra dolor eu quam malesuada efficitur. Donec posuere accumsan pharetra. Sed in urna sit amet lorem tincidunt tristique. Aliquam non facilisis sem. In quis blandit felis, vel facilisis arcu. Cras consectetur lacinia auctor. Sed egestas, mi nec ultrices mollis, libero arcu rutrum magna, eu mollis lacus est faucibus eros. Morbi vitae ultricies ex. Aenean at velit augue. Praesent sagittis consectetur maximus.







“Station Eleven” by Emily St. John Mandel (A HBO Series)


Pistol – Hulu Original Series by Danny Boyle

Thomas Drotar


Share a movie,  book , an article, a piece of music, share an observation… the list goes on. If you read or ponder, I want to know what you think?



“Station Eleven” by Emily St. John Mandel (A HBO Series)


Pistol – Hulu Original Series by Danny Boyle
