I've been shooting photographs all my life and just recently discovered a passion for shooting a small, unique corner of it. Photo Essays I call them. I love to shoot situations where instead of focusing on the subject; the model, the celebrity, the outfit, the focal point as it were, I instead include those coveting them. Capturing the response of the audience with their fascination of celebrity, wealth, and acquisition, mostly things of extreme beauty, elegance and taste, their faces and body language reinforce the reason why people covet anything in the first place. It is capturing these situations where I feel most comfortable.


The Fashion world is a world upon itself. It's ever evolving, altering and expanding and it is a gift to photograph it. The crowds are buoyant and alive, the clothes breathtaking. I am highlighting the more interesting shows including Chanel, Celine, fine painter Charels Arnoldi and his collaboration with Alexander McQueen then over to New York Fashion Week 2023 Spring collection, the Los Angeles Fashion Awards and the InStyle 25 Oscar Gowns Collection shown at the Getty Center. Also, a quick peek at the last Tom Ford Show in Los Angeles.


If you think there is a wide separation between fashion and fighting you're wrong. The dedication, the commitment to perfection required to become a champion, the adulation of the champion, the changing approach for every match, sounds like fashion season to me. My hat goes off to anybody who steps into the ring against an unfamiliar opponent. This is bravery at its finest.


A great city is a great city is a great city. Even when gas runs over $7 per gallon, homeless people are piled up on the street, we still stay here and strive because there is no other place like it on earth. The opportunities are infinite. Please find some personal photos of mine taken over the years that best captures the uniqueness of this city.


Having been on this planet as long as I have you get around. This is a series of photos I have shot over the years that have captured my interest for whatever reason.